Designated the “Super Bowl of Rodeos,” the 66th annual National Finals Rodeo (NFR) crowns the world’s best cowboys and cowgirls of this horsemanship sport. With a total payout of more than $16 million in 2024, it’s deemed the world’s richest and most esteemed cowhand exhibition. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) hosts and Wrangler title […]
All stun at first sight. Yet, their beauty is merely peripheral to their caring hearts and sincere smiles. They dress their versions of Deep South dinner tables with forthright life stories. Side dishes of humbleness, patience, and grace are evident with every moment served. Their kindness is a special kind of sweet tea. When these […]
Her then-strawberry blonde bob saluted T-Boz from girl group TLC. When that black-on-black Ford Explorer pulled up in the grandparents’ dirt driveway, her neon windbreaker and doorknocker earrings sufficed as a rather loud hey y’all. Auntie Kathy arrived at Edward Hill Farm in Baldwin County, Georgia, in the 1990s to organize backyard parties. Those family […]